Please read and accept the Terms and Conditions by ticking the box on the form:
Registration Policy: An amount of R200 is due to register and is paid annually thereafter.
Withdrawal notice: If a parent desires to withdraw their child for any reason from the ZuluMites® programme that parent shall deliver a written withdrawal notice with one calendar month’s notice.
Fees: Fees are to be paid upon receipt of invoice and must be paid no later than prior to the first class in the new month.
Holidays & Scheduling: Our ZuluMites® venues run throughout the year and are charged February to November. Schools are charged on a termly basis & as such there be no classes during the school’s holiday period.
Student photographs/film/recordings: For language research and marketing purposes the parent agrees to ZuluMites® taking photographs, film and audio recordings of their child.
Parental consent: If one parent gives a child its consent or approval for a course of action then ZuluMites® shall be entitled to assume that the parent is authorised to give consent for both parents and ZuluMites® shall not be obliged to obtain consent from both parents. We are also given consent to communicate to parents via our WhatsApp group, important information regarding our lessons.
Liability: ZuluMites (Pty) Ltd, it’s staff, the premises/school at which classes take place, or any other representative shall not be held liable or responsible for any personal or other injury or loss which a child, parent or any other person may sustain at any time while in the care of, or on the property where the ZuluMites® programme operates.
Disclosure: Please note that it is important to declare all medical, behavioural and or emotional or other issues which might affect your child’s time with us.
Disputes: Parents must communicate any complaints regarding performance of the service, directly to our management & administration & we will ensure that correct measures are taken to rectify the situation.
Expectations & Assessment: It is important to have reasonable expectations of your child’s settling into the classes & progress in the language, & communicate directly with ZuluMites® should you require more support/information about this process. ZuluMites® endeavours to keep classes small to ensure individual attention, & feedback to parents twice annually in the form of an individualised written report.
Missed Classes: Reimbursement is not given for any missed classes, unless public holidays or prior notice (24 hours) is given. Where possible, missed classes can be made up but that is at the discretion of the ZuluMites® office and staff availability.
Binding Contract: These terms reflect a binding agreement between ZuluMites (Pty) Ltd and the parents and we, the parents, accept these terms and conditions.